tasting the insides of arms || playing fingers in the garden
spines are tickled by tongues unleashed in passion’s simmer
stars shatter in the sky from the force of new creation
it is pulling us down
it is pulling us down
tell me what this magic is || that has us bent like paperclips
are you trying to fuck me || or fuck me up
do you want to make love to me || or make me love you
please || choose | what you are doing
is more | than sex
do not be so tender | do not so savor me
only engage
my body
he is pulling me in
he is pulling me in
now breath aches so || as it is spent
4 a.m. and they’re still at it
needing that sugar sweet tooth
like smack addicts
what will happen now
is for time to unfold
they are pulling
they are pulling
she is crying
he smiles