Biopsy Hilarity Part 3- The Not-opsy
You look like a new person- hi there! Thanks for reading. This site is where I vent about having an invisible disability as well as cancer. Please consider sharing this post because it’s really helpful in my shift to a writing career. Welcome back! Please tell share this post or consider buying me a cup of coffee because it will help me continue to pay bills while I shift to a part time writing career.Here’s Biopsy Hilarity pt one & pt 2 if you haven’t read them yet. Also? This is extraordinarily not safe for work. So. Yeah. How do I start this…. Well first I should explain what I mean by Not-opsy. The procedure we’re about to talk about was not a biopsy. It was Hilarity indeed. At my expense by miles. But despite not being a biopsy, the hilarity makes it go with this series. It is the season finale, as it were. via GIPHY Toward the end of having cancer, you get to go through the whole PET/CT scan, heart check, stage again followed by lots of fun procedures as necessary. The first thing we found out, was that while my body was having tons of fun having the cancer poisoned out of it? I had a bunch of traitor-ass mark-ass snitch-ass tumors in my uterus. To see what kind of awesomeness was up in me, they were going to have to do a transvaginal ultrasound. Having spent practically a year of my life constantly on Google, I wasn’t