You look like a new person- hi there! Thanks for reading. This site is where I vent about having an invisible disability as well as cancer. Please consider sharing this post because it's really helpful in my shift to a writing career.
It’s whenever I start to think you might be drifting a little
that you make doubly sure I know you haven’t gone anywhere.
Your arms might not be home
but in addition to the supple throne you provide
They’re quite a nice place to visit.
Now that I’ve figured out how to do this dance with you,
I’m surprised to find it more suitable to my speed.
Who cares why you’re here or how long
For the time being
two souls are invested in enjoyment.
Right now, I just want it to be about that.
And if the reason is to make me remember how beautiful I am,
I’ll take it.
And if this season is just the Spring time,
I’ll make it.
And if it’s meant to be a lifetime,
You know me and my independence.
But I’ll do my best not to run…
or at least if your heart ends up in my hands
It won’t be me who breaks it….