Because there is always hope
Why join the rebel alliance if the death star is already built? via GIPHY These are strange days. Some of us have decided that we’re not going to take the results of the 2016 election lying down. It’s no longer an issue of what party you belong to for us. We have decided to join the rebel alliance, a movement that as yet has no clear leader or center, just ideas and actions. This uprising exists to take every single legal action we can to ensure one of the following outcomes: the incoming president-elect never takes office if he is sworn in, to see that for his crimes & misconduct, he is impeached (or tried and convicted for treason) within the first 100 days of office for his offenses if he is not impeached or tried within the first two years, that we elect a Congress that will thwart him if he still hasn’t been impeached, continue to take every legal action we can to uphold what we believe to be an imperfect democracy, but still the best one on the planet. The odds are, we won’t win the early battles. It was always unlikely that the electoral college would do its job. Of course, that only ensures that we have the ammunition we will one day need to abolish it. It’s also unlikely that the follow-ups plans between now and the current President-elect taking office will stop him. Why would I think like this, when I want the remote outcome to occur?