soul and memory i: memory
i wonder if he lay across the floor… was i imagined in his fingertips did he lay me across the floor in his mind scribing with color? was i his imagination? did i haunt ….or pester? did i lurk …….or fester? did he have to get me out or did he need to make me live? this apparition of his…. it was what he intended of me in his mental realm where thoughts live and breathe like light dancing with shadow candlelit… was i a whisper or a shout? did i call him or did he come to me willingly? was he aware or was this unconsciously? was i a voice of song held inside him or a whine trying to escape? the she he made me…. she… contemplates sharing many parts of my face not made up of my mirror but close enough to be mistaken. some facts are exact. my eyes my skin same expression some clues are close similar lips. i have a shirt like that. my hair was about that length at about that time i wonder was it a picture of me or a memory of my rhyme that made him swirl colors and bless them into art when we were apart…. what drew him in to draw a whisper of me? will she be who i come to be? i wonder….. as i thank him repeatedly and silently….