-Beloving Beloved-
you are my Beloved my dearly beloved the only essence enough to fill the immeasureable expanse of my heart which only opens to occurrences of your opulent adoration. and i am beyond love so i make up words and say I Belove you. and what is it to Belove? when i scribe memories of moments on the back of time, when i invert rhyme to realize the poetic bliss of you and our union when i exist on top of a minute of blue surreality, under the infinity of your eyes. this is Belove. when i burn in my yearning for the turning of churning a discerning tactile treaure between my lips locked on top of the soaring mist of sunrise’s kiss within you, when i sit upon my fleshed throne with a supple smooth as silver sword sheathed in sublime suck-tion of scintillating sensual support, when i taste temptation of a tongue which once turned trumpets into tunes and now turns tunes into torrents of tanka-like treats that tumble into trains of ‘Trane, when i drink down the dearest of my delicious dreams which dance delighted out of my favorite pinnacles door, when i stir cycles of commitment in circles completing cylindrical seas seeking the circumference of coming to your call to cum for you, when i triangulate your want and become congurent to your desire, perpendicular to the spot you want blessed, laying diagonally from the best thing that ever happened to me, when i surround your pain