I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

you are ii

you are
the one whose
soft caresses of my higher self
fresh as new baby’s breath

you are
the one shining
purple moonlight
so surreal in its incredulous
and yet?
you exist…
in a line as fine
as that between love and trust

you are
the one i want to hold at night
pulling your sweet scent around me
as soothing as a lullaby
taking me to yet another world we share
our paired air soaring us to the potential bliss
of evening oblivion or adventure.

you are
the one whose thoughts awaken me each day
as i sit upright in bed knowing you are near
hearing when some part of you calls to me

you are
the one who brews inside me
as my storm
raining upon my heart in soft consistent trickles of comfort
murmuring your thunder to me when i stray from the path to happiness
lighting the way with your flashes of love
streaked across the sky of my thoughts.

you are.
and that’s all i want.

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