I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Work, Life, Health

The reasons I’ve been away are good ones for a change. Been kind of a busy bee.


But I think I need to come here a bit more often and just… be able to share my experiences. So here’s a quick summary of what’s been going on.


I’m entering a super-independence mode. Traffic and sales are picking back up. I’m seeing a lot more opportunities to loosen some associations I’ve been leaning on, not because the people I’ve been working with are bad (they’re not) but because I am finding that I don’t need them the way I’ve been letting myself believe.

In so many ways, despite the ups and downs of my health, I’ve been doing better on my own. Just afraid to make that leap. No longer!


I’m single and enjoying it. I’d like to be with someone but there’s just no time at the moment. I’m in the mode of “making the time to make time”. In other words, I want to be able to have my business on track and able to auto-pilot at a profit, not just at a maintenance level before I proceed.


I’ve had some serious ups and downs lately. As much as I can, I’m avoiding being too specific with anyone. At first it was because I didn’t want anyone to worry, nor did I want to speak the worst-case scenario into being.

But now it’s because I’m enjoying a darn near miraculous recovery, and to keep it that way, I use the time I would spend telling people about being sick, to make myself well. So if you ask me one-on-one and I’m vague, that’s why.

In other news, it may be time for me to start recording exactly what I’ve been up to in my manifestation routine, because it’s working like crazy. I haven’t decided if that would be a spin-off blog. Honestly I don’t think I write in THIS one enough for there too BE a spin-off.

At the moment, I have a pact with a friend to study the same material each day of the week, and to meditate for success. We don’t both always do it but when we do our daily income goes up about 500%! Consistently, and that’s in profits we generate together.

Apart, as long as I keep to my routine, I see streams of revenue from places I hadn’t even known about. Right now, I’m doing EFT, meditations for wealth, and reading my goals and affirmations upon awakening every day, and developing the habit of doing it in reverse order when I’m going to sleep. On the days when I’m not too much of a punk, I’m also doing daily energy circles.

They really work, I’m not sure why I am psychologically reversed about doing them. I want to, because it works, but I find some excuse not to, or forget. I’ll go do one now. See you again soon.

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