I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Why I Think “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” Is Funny

I really should say love. Because I LOVE that show. At first I thought I should be ashamed to love it. But now I’m proud to say so. Here’s a comment on why I left at Hulu when someone asked “Why Is This Funny? (why can’t we link directly to topics?):


Because the characters are ugly inside – so many people have that ugly, selfish side to them and you don’t see that taken to hyperbole much on television, not across the board in every character. Doing so is, in my opinion, brilliant. It’s an examination of a common human trait taken to its extreme, a different way to understand character.

And the stories are “half-baked” because the Schemes are half-baked, I’ve always read that as intentional. It’s a comedy, it’s supposed to be light. And these people are shallow so their stories need to be lighter. It’s the kind of things those characters would do, which makes it more authentic, a hard balance to strike when you’re exploring the extreme of a character.

It’s inappropriate, it’s harsh, it may have no other redeeming value to my life other than making me laugh, character examination and making me feel like I’m not that much of a loser in my darker moments. But to each his own – there’s plenty of shows other people watch that I just don’t get. But a show not being for me and not being a good show are two different things.

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