I forgot that I’d uploaded this.
After the election I ended up downloading all the pictures of headlines around the world proclaiming his victory from Newseum.com where there is now a video of their collection. I wanted one of my own that could be embedded, so there that is.
For a less celebratory version you can go see Newseum’s video, and here’s a direct link to the Obama post-election day collection, if there was one you liked in particular. They’re in alphabetical order by state, so if the panning makes you miss a title, just wait until you see a subsequent one and you can back track from there.
I didn’t include every paper from every paper in my montage because there were too many, but there’s at least one from every state in the union.
If you’re a fellow obamaniac and just want to know why I voted for him, read my Yes, We Did, and What That Means to Me post.