I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

[video] It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – Best Crack on TV

The Gang Gets Held Hostage on AOL Video
(*Edited 10.26.08 – Hulu removed the video recently, sorry guys. And AOL apparently doesn’t realize that the word “embed” doesn’t mean “here’s a link”.)

I feel like there’s something wrong with everyone who doesn’t love how awful the characters on this show are. They are the Seinfeld quartet on crack with the Arrested Development mentality. If you watched the clip above without absolutely laughing your ass off, consult your physician to have the stick surgically removed from up yonder.

To set it up for you, if you’re the type to read the text before playing the clip, as I am, these four folks from Philadelphia run a bar in same city called Paddy’s. (Very poorly, I might add. Which tells you something. How do you go broke selling alcohol, America’s most accepted vice?) Two of them, Dennis and Dee are brother and sister. Dennis, Mac and Charlie own the bar.

They have an on-going feud with some people who decide to take them hostage. I’m not even going to get into that back story because the beauty of this show is that each episode is funny on its own even if you don’t know the deeper layers.

So, as any four best friends would in a hostage situation, they completely turn on each other. Charming. The only thing better than this only slightly unexpected, but more true-to-life trick, is the dialogue employed as they stab each other in the back.

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