I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

verity’s tertiary ocular benedictions (7.23.03)

053/365: C is for Compact Disc
photo credit: dotbenjamin

I used to enter Def Poetry Jam’s monthly contest every now and again when the forums were up. This was from, I think, the fourth time I won, the 6th time I entered.

virginal lips dipped into that sugar kiss-
unfamiliar aromas transgressing the sphere of your unfamiliar,
central to the spin of synergy that is effervescent to the mind state of creation’s inception.
when rotating off the paralysis in apparition’s wake,
fabrication of thoughts you have evaporate,
and you see the Light.
clarity besets your fresh inspection,
connection constructing concrete-
a place to build.

but first.

how do you reincarnate,
knowing that to elevate you must disintegrate even the ashes of what incarcerates?
if you’re the ship
how do you break the bottle you reside within?
what happens after the divorce from seminal sin?
especially when you know you’re not buoyant…
at least not yet.

soon you will learn that the how is immaterial
you’ll generate the muscles that need to be fashioned
out of the might of your why.
because regardless?
the skyscrapers of falsification Must fall,
bearing true witness to those nearest in proximity to blessings’ essence…
and it can all begin here…

if you let it.

honesty would penetrate your self paralysis
and Glory would cradle you in its arms,
protecting you from the future you fear Truth would uncover.

so by whatever means deemed,
reject the imagination of attrition that so captures you
in a counterfeit macrocosm of lies.
don’t just tell the Truth
live it.
Open Your Eyes.

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