I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

the rain always stops when i come outside

havent needed an umbrella in
15 years
though i used to carry one for caution,
it’s never from fear.

seen some lightning from indoors
heard some thunder from afar
and although tornadoes touch down near,
rarely am i caught in more than
the beauty
of God’s tears

drizzle here, dewdrop there
mostly though? just humid air.
real rain – downpours and such? –
doesn’t touch me.

it’s more from belief than anything else much
ever since i’ve been sure inside
large amounts of water no longer drench my hide

and the rain
always stops
when i come outside…

not really
though something in me

more than a queen
but not quite a deity
whatever i focus on, truly does manifest
if i maintain that i am a vehicle through which others are blessed
and not the actual Creator of things beyond my scope
too wistful it is to wish
and not enough to hope
all things that come to me are through Faith
and only when i waver do i disrupt my fate

see, it’s knowing that i still bleed red
and i can also will it to subside

and the rain
always stops
when i come outside….

they say i woo words.
i see it more like me dancing with the essence
of creation and bringing forth its babies
i bow my head to my Muse and
seek instruction in form of vibration
before i put a pen in my hand.

i am a translator,
but also innovator,
a combination of concentration
the fulfilment of desire’s expectations
i can nikki and sonia, billie or phyllis
but whatever i do is not just me
it’s whatever the Spirit wills it to be
yes, as a instrument of Light i have its Power on my side
and the rain
always stops
when i

come outside….

touches my skin, yes
but only in carresses
feeds my body and soul
if i repent for my transgresses

i have Power
but only through respecting that which is greater than i…
it is through recognition

that the rain
when i

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