I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

The Four Poems a Day Experiment

What I used to do, what I used to love to do, was write poetry. Not poetry in the traditional, Emily Dickenson sense of the word, nor was it quite Def Jam material, though I am in that book they made, Bum Rush the Page.

The best example of what I used to write I’ll do next.

Right now, I’m just remembering how open my mind and my heart were when I used to twist words on their backs and make them sing to me. Of course, if I didn’t have the ability to write every day somehow, I’m sure I would just curl up and die. I write because I must, I’m compelled to. And I’m convinced this is the gift I’m supposed to share with the world.

Part of the reason I’m retiring is that I feel like I’m supposed to be writing. Now, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be writing non-fiction about spirituality, completing a difficult novel I started back in 2000, about how a girl would develop into a woman if she traded her body image issues for a lack thereof, or just write poems.

But I intend to find out. One thing I used to do is write four poems when I woke up in the morning. I’d written over 3000 poems before I stopped counting. They’re usually about love, social issues, culture, or just funny. Anyway, you’ll see.

I feel like this is the most boring post I’ve ever written in my six years as a blogger but, blah.

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