I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

soul and memory iii: and

Tinu in Soul and Memory painting - Click for larger image.

Tinu in Soul and Memory painting - Click for larger image.

we are sitting on a conjunction,
…… i….
conjugating the world between us to
our likeness as best we can

we pause/knowing
there is only so far we can go
yellow traffic lights are our emblem.


we creep towards bliss
slide as languidly as possible
in the direction of kiss
not wanting to destroy
chances to create

we may have been too late to taste
the wonders in each other
the twine of matrimonied lovers one far day
so we stay
transfixed to this


we invent a space
to live
a home in each other’s hearts
neither friend only
nor lover yet
simply love unexamined or debated
adoration demonstrated
on page’s words
to be one day heard
in verse of song
lifted out of souls that long
to recall each other.

but differently.
for this is no re-run of near past, no.
our world is a stage where the same players
repeat similiar dances through ages immemorial
our ancestral memory is shared
choreographed fight with fate
i sit in quiet recollection
of eyes that used to drink me
on quiet nights deep in the delta of the Niger
showing me
how love is supposed to be
how real men love unafraid in this world

let the world-bound dispute
our shared remembrance…
spirit’s knowledge overrules…

in addition….

mortal realms eventually interrupt
our silent reflection of day’s past
forcing us to look upon today again
where we do not know where our heart’s embrace will lead
where my vision of carrying your seed is invalidated
where your declarations of me as lovely are
ignorant of the fact that
your beholding eye
is what makes me the precious night flower of the universe
and your reflection is
what gives any pre-existing beauty of mine
to fly into your heart.


the summation of all these realities
cannot combat the fact that we must wait
for life to unfold to us an opening
if there is to be one
wide enough for us to walk through together…
or painfully drop hands and pass through life apart.

the irony is that
these precious moments you have given me
these possibilities you have shown of what adoration can mean
these bilssful moments, short as they may be
were given with your love
and if i need to be sustained into the next world
i dont know if i fill you likewise
but for me…..
any secret seconds we share are enough….

still i hope for the chance to repay the golden era of rebirth you ignited in my life
in a future where one day our lives will move beyond this stop sign
and destiny will reward our patience
with the chance for us to….. one day…..
finish falling in love

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