I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Regarding Troy Davis and the Death Penalty

This video was posted by a friend of mine on Facebook, and he said he agreed with it.

To which I said:

I haven’t commented on this, because I know I’m not going to respond to follow up comments, whether they agree with me or not.

But in light of what Judge Mathis said, and because of what a good friend you are, I feel compelled to respond.

I’m against the death penalty for two reasons. Neither has to do with whether or not I feel it’s a just punishment.

1- You can’t take killing someone back. There’s no margin for error.

2- I don’t believe death is an end or even if it is, that it’s something to fear – for all we know death is a reward for life, and I don’t mean that in a religious sense. (I’m currently a Christian, though I’ve been an atheist and a spiritualist too.)

We only know for sure that there is suffering in life, and if a person IS guilty of murder, I think death gets them off too easily, given that we have no idea what happens to the thing that makes us human after we die.

OK. Now I’ve dropped the microphone and walked off stage…

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