I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

On bravery and being in love

A friend posted a graphic stating that a man will one day come along who witnesses all your flaws and still loves you. I responded that they will even love those flaws.

We went back and forth in varying levels of affirmation for a while, then I shared this:


Well. Don’t we do the same? :) Some people eventually get that it’s not about being weakened by love. Weakness and vulnerability aren’t the same thing. But you have to open yourself up to give in order to open yourself up to receive. And the more you’re capable of giving, whether you actually get the chance to give or not the more you’re able to receive. And be beautifully, wonderfully, deeply touched and moved by this beautifully complex emotion that there are just no words to describe. 

It used to be deeply embedded in our culture that love makes you strong. Now we have a culture where being some kind of wannabe pimp (both sexes) is the myth of dominance. And just look what a mess everything is…..

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