I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

in the chill of the night

the soft quiet of the night ran thickly with whispers
the thoughts were coming faster and faster
with each sound of her slipper

what will i say
what can i do
when she sees me she will
keep your head

come to bed

he sang to her
and the twilight air
blew the kiss of his wish to her

forget what is ailing us
let’s make some “over”

he knew if she came
and he could make her take the Lord’s name in vain
it would be musical in the house

she sat on the edge of the bed
but not hearing or understanding what he said
at first he thought she was smoking
as her breath blew curls of white lies
around her head

i miss you so much

her voice scraped the insides of his
he could feel her pain
so he sang another note

i am here
and i love you too
what else do i have to say to you?
whatever i did
whatever i said wrong
just give me another chance
and i promise to make us strong
we are
as one
” he said

and all she could do was weep
for when she heard his lyric
she thought she was going mad
or maybe in her grief
she was hysterical

it wasn’t that she didn’t believe everything he said
it was just so hard to still be joined to him

….knowing he was dead….

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