How Much Time Are You Wasting by UN-Creating? Part 1
Dr. Robert Anthony says, in the How to Be Rich series says 17 seconds of focused, non-contradicting thought is equivalent to 10 hours of physical work. So if keeping a positive thought in your head about what you want to attain, is about the amount of work as a work day, then 7 times that would be like a week of work with no break, or about 2 minutes of thought (119 seconds). And four times that would be like a month of work (476 seconds) which works out to a bit less than 8 minutes. There are 12 calendar months in a year, but let’s go by 365 divided by 28 and see how much thought could equal a year of work. 13 months times 8 minutes. 104 minutes, or an hour and 44 minutes. If I could spend an hour and 44 continuous minutes doing focused, non-contradictive thought, it would be a year’s worth of work? Seems hard to believe, and I don’t know if that is accurate, or where he came up with the proof. What I do know is that 1- People constantly ask me how I can be so productive, especially when it seems like I spend all my time helping them. 2- In the same way very wise people think carefully before they speak, I strive to think carefully before I act. Meaning I try to work out as much in my head before my pen ever hits paper. That goes for writing