I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Exhilaration and Checkpoints

jill111 / Pixabay

Apparently I write more when things are amiss. Right now, things are incredibly well aligned, and even though a minor crisis came, it had now been averted.

Today, I wanted to record two things.

One is the feeling of absolute exhilaration I’ve been feeling on and off since Saturday. In my heart I can feel with vivid clarity that something special is about to take place, something beautiful and magical, and something that is going to change my life for the better, something that will enhance the lives of those around me.

Secondly, is that I had a checkpoint this past Friday. I may have explained what a checkpoint is, but if I haven’t, here you go: it’s a combination deja vu and extremely powerful feeling of positive premonition and destiny. Within a week or so or having them, some manifestation far beyond any abundance I could possibly have imagined comes along and blesses me as hard as it can.

I call them checkpoints because of the feeling I have when they happen. It’s as if God is saying, “You’re in the best possible place in the best possible path of any of the available ones for you to have chosen from.”

And I went through a little rough patch there for a week or so after bringing a great many positive things to me. So Thank God. :)

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