I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Comment on the Future of Fundraising

The question, in a private group on Facebook, was “What will be the biggest trends for fundraising via social media in the next 6-12 months?”.

I agree with _____. I had to say that because I have a rhyming tic today. Anyway… I’d say mobile and the subscription model. I think monthly subscriptions at a low level could be the answer to getting nonprofits properly funded.

You sell the customer once, and they stay subscribed forever. I am subscribed to so many $1 – $5 memberships that are just not worth the fuss of unsubscribing just because I only use them once per quarter. If it was for non-profits, at least I’d be able to feel my subscription addiction was for a good cause.

The second part was a bit off course for the question, but wouldn’t it be great if you could just send The UN Refugee Agency $2 a month every month, and just text to increase your monthly amount when there was a tragedy? I really believe they should combine the shortcode fundraising with a subscription model. When you sign up to help with a crisis situation, you could donate $10 and then have an option to donate $1 – $5 a month, some amount that you probably wouldn’t miss.

At the end of the year? Tax write off! You could even get help figuring out how much to donate each month according to your income, to get the best tax benefits.

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