I'm Tinu. My name means Love.

Comment About Success

I won’t go into the details of why I said this, because the subject was in a private Google+ conversation. I leave it here partly as a reminder to myself about how my mind operates when it’s working properly:


You’ll succeed. Completely put out of your mind that there’s any chance that you won’t. The only people who don’t succeed are the people who quit before they get there because they weren’t willing to make the necessary changes to get there.

Assume there’s no alternative. We never say things like “if I can breathe, I’ll be there tomorrow.” We assume we can breathe, so we do.

The backdrop of this goes into the belief system I’ve discussed before, which is learning not to feel that the progress of your life goals has to be achieved solely through your energy. In other words, manifesting your destiny is done through your spiritual handshake, if you will, with whatever you believe the higher power to be. (Nature/ Science/ God / the Universal Soul / your Super-Mind.)

So for an atheist, it might be the power of your mind to achieve more that the labor of your hands.

For me, what I believe God is works with me and the combined thought energy of other people to magnify the effect of the labor we create through our free will as humans.

Taking the proper action at the right time with all the resources you have available, rather than just your own two hands, can multiply your results in ways that you wouldn’t believe, and much more than just working really hard with some vague idea of what direction to go in. It’s not a philosophy that’s tied to a certain religion or belief system either. Anyone who believes that the mind can do more than the body alone, or that multiple minds set on a similar purpose can find solutions better than one alone, can achieve this.

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